AR & VR Metaverse in Aerospace

Unlike any other industry, the aviation industry has to adopt the highest standards of regulation and checks to ensure the safety and reliability of the aircrafts. Also constant updates in regulations, equipment and technology means that the requirements to keep the aircrafts air worthy and ground checks need to be carried out with highest degree of precisions and expertise. Even the aerospace manufacturing requires special skills for both assembly and inspection, that has catapulted MRO into a specialized industry.

Mixed Reality can play a pivotal role in this highly advanced and complex segment and VR has already been successfully deployed for pilot training for several years. Using AR, MRO engineers can reduce turnaround time, order spares while carrying ground inspection, carry complex repairs and checks under remote expert guidance and can train young engineers without the necessity of having access to physical airplanes or specific parts saving costs and time  

MR use cases

  • Pilot Training simulators

  • Guided Ground checks instructions for new MRO Technicians

  • Remote Assist / Troubleshooting for critical checks

  • Safety Trainings for airplane and ground crew

  • Assembly instructions for assembly line workers

  • Line inspection for assembly

  • Spare Part identification and 3D BoM

  • Maintenance instructions and integration with maintenance records

  • Training aid for new airplane models and MRO requirements

Benefits of MR in Aerospace

Up to 100% improvement in spare part identification and ordering

Up to 50% reduction in routine MRO checks for air worthiness

Up to 200% improvement in assembly line tasks using MR Instructions

Up to 500% reduced training costs for pilots as compared to traditional simulators

3 Times faster availability of spare parts using AR based check sheet

Up to 200% improvement in expert technician utilization using remote assist

Up to 50% time savings while using AR based inspection during assembly

Up to 100% improvement in spare part identification and ordering

Up to 50% reduction in routine MRO checks for air worthiness

Up to 200% improvement in assembly line tasks using MR Instructions

Up to 500% reduced training costs for pilots as compared to traditional simulators

3 Times faster availability of spare parts using AR based check sheet

Up to 200% improvement in expert technician utilization using remote assist

Up to 50% time savings while using AR based inspection during assembly

Up to 100% improvement in spare part identification and ordering

Up to 50% reduction in routine MRO checks for air worthiness

Up to 200% improvement in assembly line tasks using MR Instructions

Up to 500% reduced training costs for pilots as compared to traditional simulators

3 Times faster availability of spare parts using AR based check sheet

Up to 200% improvement in expert technician utilization using remote assist

Up to 50% time savings while using AR based inspection during assembly

Up to 100% improvement in spare part identification and ordering

Up to 50% reduction in routine MRO checks for air worthiness

Up to 200% improvement in assembly line tasks using MR Instructions

Up to 500% reduced training costs for pilots as compared to traditional simulators

3 Times faster availability of spare parts using AR based check sheet

Up to 200% improvement in expert technician utilization using remote assist

Up to 50% time savings while using AR based inspection during assembly

Up to 100% improvement in spare part identification and ordering

Up to 50% reduction in routine MRO checks for air worthiness

Up to 200% improvement in assembly line tasks using MR Instructions

Up to 500% reduced training costs for pilots as compared to traditional simulators

3 Times faster availability of spare parts using AR based check sheet

Up to 200% improvement in expert technician utilization using remote assist

Up to 50% time savings while using AR based inspection during assembly

To find out how mixed reality can be applied in your specific function

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